Walled Garden, Hampstead

The owner of this Hampstead house works in fashion and has a great eye for design - He wanted to create a beautiful exterior space to complement the interior of his newly renovated property - The walled courtyard is on full view the moment you step into the house, so it was important that there was some continuum into the garden. 

As with all Jen Berry garden designs the devil is in the detail - The porcelain paving includes a tiled rug which creates an interesting focal area for the concrete fireplace and the colour palette perfectly complements the interior creating a strong connection between the house and garden. 

The planting includes Dicksonia antartica (Tree ferns), Pittosporum tobira nanum, Astrantias, Trachelospermum jasminoides , Rosa banksiae, Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle, Buxus sempervirens for structure and a row of Viburnum tinus ‘Lucidum’. These evergreen trees look beautiful underplanted with contrasting shrubs and grasses

The idea is not to copy nature, but to give a feeling of nature.
— Piet Oudolf